- Ray Helwig
- ray@sparklesolutions.ca
- 1.866.660.2282
- www.sparklesolutions.ca
- We provide industrial laundry equipment with a full spectrum of support—including site evaluation, analysis, design, financing, service, installation, engineering and more.
- Commercial Washers and Dryers for Hotels and Motels Conserve water, save energy and reduce waste while increasing profits and productivity!
- Sparkle has a wide inventory of Re-Sale Laundry Equipment available for immediate delivery. This Equipment is either New from a previous Model Year or in “Like-New”* Condition at a great price.
About Sparkle Solutions
Sparkle Solutions mandate is to provide better laundry services to property owners and managers of large-scale facilities.
We’re the only laundry solutions system that allows property owners and managers to monitor facility use and revenue online in real-time. Ask us about our card-based and wireless solutions.